June 11, 2015, ΑΘΗΝΑ
6th Pan-Hellenic Scientific Conference

Dietary guidelines for adults in Greece

Suggestions for your nutrition



Examples include grains such as wheat, rye, oat, barley, buckwheat, millet and grain products such as all types of breads, flour, pasta and noodles, rice, breakfast cereals, bulghur,couscous, trahana.

• It is a good idea to include grains wherever possible, especially whole grains and their products like wholemeal bread, wild or brown rice, or wholemeal pasta and noodles.
• Bread comes in many varieties so why not offer a wide range and include wholemeal.
• If you are serving breakfast cereals, offer a variety and keep in mind low sugar, low salt and high fibre options and ... do not forget the trahana.

Examples include milk, cheese, yoghurt, other milk products and eggs.

• Always have a supply of low fat or skimmed milk to offer as an alternative to full fat.
• Make an effort to also cook with low fat milk.
• If you are serving cheese, why not provide lower fat varieties or reduced fat options.
• If you are using cheese as an ingredient, then try to use reduced fat or low fat varieties.
• Encourage having low fat milk or drinks made with low fat milk and fruit, as an alternative to sugar sweetened beverages.
• Instead of cream, sour cream and mayonnaise why not replace them with yoghurt.
• Low fat varieties of yoghurt can always make a great dessert.
• How do you like your eggs?... Give boiled, poached or scrambled eggs a try.

Examples include red meat and poultry as well as ham, bacon, salami, sausages and meat pate.

• Aim at providing lean cuts of meat and trim off all the visible fat before cooking.
• It is better to remove any poultry skin before you cook or even buy skinless portions.
• If you plan to use sausages, ham, or salami make an effort to choose low fat options.
• Try altering the balance of a meat heavy dish by adding vegetables, beans, lentils, chickpeas, rice, or pasta.
• Poach, roast, grill or bake rather than frying.
• If you are going to fry then try to use unsaturated types of oil. Keep in mind that you need to change the oil regularly. It is also important to check if the frying temperature is correct.

Just some examples are pastries, biscuits, cakes, desserts, chocolate and candy.

• Take some time to review your recipes: try substituting fats such as butter and lard with olive oil, or other vegetable oils, use fruit as a sweetener and add yoghurt and/or milk instead of cream.
• Try to use wholemeal flour in cakes, biscuits and pastries.
• Try to make smaller portions available.

Examples include oils (olive oil, corn oil, sunflower oil, etc) butter and margarine. It is important to note that there are different types of fats: saturated fats (mainly found in high-fat dairy products, fatty fresh and processed meats, lard, butter and in the skin and fat of poultry); cholesterol (mainly found in dairy fats, liver and other organ meats, egg yolks); trans fatty acids (found in some hard margarines, fried foods and in the dough of many bakery/dessert products); and unsaturated fats (mainly found in vegetable oils, namely olive oil, seed oils, most nuts, olives and fatty fish like sardines, salmon, tuna, mackerel).

• Make amends… swap all those products providing saturated or trans fatty acids for those that provide unsaturated fats instead.
• Try using vegetable oils and preferably olive oil rather than butter and margarine.
• Olive oil is a great seasoning so make it available to your customer e.g. put it on the table with the other condiments.
• Bake, steam, grill and roast foods rather than frying.
• If you are going to fry then try to use unsaturated types of oil. Keep in mind that you need to change the oil regularly. It is also important to check if the frying temperature is correct.
• If you are not already, why not try using olive oil in your recipes.
• Let the customer make the choice by allowing them to add their own dressing to dishes.
• If you are making sandwiches always ask before you add extra spreads.
• In case you offer butter or margarine spreads and dips to your customers why not try alternatives such as olive oil, vegetable paste or dip, fish paste or olive pate.

Examples include fresh, frozen, dried and fresh-juiced fruit and vegetables, as well as beans and other pulses.

• By including vegetables and legumes in the majority of your dishes (all courses and for all types of meals) know that you are helping to increase the chances of people consuming them.
• Vegetable dishes make excellent main courses, so make sure to include them in your menu.
• There is always room for innovation so enrich your recipes with fruit and vegetables e.g. pork with plums or pears; chicken with orange; various vegetables on pizzas or in soups and casseroles or try fruit cakes, fruit based desserts, etc.
• Go full steam ahead with vegetables and legumes as side dishes.
• Let the customer make the choice by offering a range of different undressed salads and dressings and let them create their own combinations.
• Try to have a number of dressings on offer such as olive oil, vinaigrette sauce, yoghurt based dressings or low fat mayonnaise.
• When offering sandwich fillings don’t forget to have a good range of salads on offer. • It is a good idea to provide fresh fruit as well as fresh unsweetened fruit juice.
• Encourage the choice of fruit based desserts such as fresh fruit salads, summer puddings, fruit cakes or fruit yoghurt.
• Make fresh fruit and vegetables more accessible to your customers by placing these choices front and centre to grab attention.
• Cut and cook… it is best to cook your vegetables as soon as possible after you cut them.
• Cook and serve…don’t let vegetables sit too long; aim to serve them straight away.
• Steam, roast, grill or bake rather than frying.

Examples include water, juices, soft drinks, coffee, tea and similar infusions, as well as wine, beer and other alcoholic drinks.

• When providing table service why not offer water to customers for their first drink.
• Suggest choosing alternatives to soft drinks such as fresh juices, low fat milk, or beverages made with low fat milk and fruit.
• Why not make various types of tea and infusions a feature on your menu.

Examples include white fish such as cod, haddock, halibut, flounder; oily fish such as sardines, herring, salmon, mackerel, crustaceans, molluscs and other seafood and fish products.

• Encourage the use of oily fish such as sardines, herring, salmon, mackerel and anchovies.
• Smoked or canned oily fish and salad can make a tasty sandwich filling.
• Fish can also go with vegetables, beans, lentils, chickpeas, rice or pasta.
• Poach, roast, grill or bake rather than frying.
• If you are going to fry then try to use unsaturated types of oil. Keep in mind that you need to change the oil regularly. It is also important to check if the frying temperature is correct.


Examples include potatoes and other starchy roots such as sweet potatoes, yams and manioc.

• Instead of fried potatoes why not offer them baked, roasted or boiled or even provide other non-fried alternatives like vegetables, rice or pasta.
• If you must fry then cut the potatoes (or starchy roots) into thick pieces as the bigger the piece the less fat it absorbs.
• If you are going to fry then try to use unsaturated types of oil. Keep in mind that you need to change the oil regularly. It is also important to check if the frying temperature is correct.

Examples include salt, herbs (such as parsley, dill, thyme, rosemary, basil, coriander, tarragon, mint, laurel, oregano) and spices (such as saffron, vanilla, cinnamon, curry, paprika).

• Scale down the use of salt in cooking.
• When you are cooking, instead of salt why not use herbs, spices, lemon juice or vinegar. This is a good way to add flavour, highlighting the colours and importantly helping to gradually reduce the amount of added salt.
• Adding herbs and spices can be made easy if they are kept readily available, maybe next to the salt and pepper.





LAST UPDATE: 28/06/2013
This website is created for the needs of “HYDRIA: Program and focused action on the health and nutrition of the Greek population: development and implementation of methodology and documentation”. It reflects the views of its authors. These views have not been adopted or approved in any way by the Special Service Health & Social Solidarity and the European Commission and should not be received as such. The Special Service Health & Social Solidarity does not guarantee the accuracy of the data of this website,nor is to be held responsible for any use of the respective data.